Chandler, Arizona, 85226
Company Contact Email | WeCare@DalinghausConstruction.com
Company Phone Number | (480) 741-1544
Company Owner | Brian Dalinghaus
Our inspection process ensures that we can identify problems with your foundation and take the appropriate steps to correct them, no matter how old your home is. Our foundation repair in Phoenix inspects thousands of foundations yearly, so we know when a foundation needs repair. All structures will settle into the soil slightly after they’re built. As long as the settlement is uniform, this is nothing to worry about. The problem is a differential settlement, or when the building settles into the soil unevenly. The differential settlement puts considerable stress on a foundation and puts everything out of plumb. Dalinghaus Construction, Inc - Phoenix can permanently repair a foundation problem using a push pier or helical pier system installed along the foundation footing and grade beams. These steel piers are hydraulically driven into the ground until they reach competent soils or bedrock beneath the foundation. Call us today!
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