Dr George Bork is committed to providing high-quality teeth whitening treatment with a gentle touch to patients of all ages who live in Hampton, NJ, and surrounding areas. We use the advanced blue LED light-activating technology and pH boosters in our whitening gel to give you incredible results in less than an hour. Call our office for the smile you desire!
Phone: +1 (908) 574-4670
Company Details
Hours of Operation
Mon: 8:30 am - 6 pm
Tue: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Wed: 10 am - 6:30 pm
Thurs: Closed
Fri: 8 am - 4:30 pm
Sat: 8 am - 1 pm
Sun: Closed
Contact Information
Route 31N, One Manor Drive Hampton, NJ, 08827, USA