Alexandria, Virginia, 22315
When residents of Alexandria VA find themselves entering "roof company near me" into their search engines, they'll find solace in discovering NOVA ROOFTEK – a roofing contractor that embodies reliability and steadfast dedication to superior roofing services. Our expertise ranges from intensive roof repairs poised to fend off the elements, to comprehensive roof replacements that rejuvenate your home’s aesthetic and functionality alike. The breadth of our services doesn’t end there; we’re also adept at managing insurance claims seamlessly, enhancing home exteriors with new siding and gutters, as well as performing detailed roof inspections designed to secure the long-term health of your property's roof structure. At NOVA ROOFTEK, our professional crew brings an unmatched level of passion and precision to every task – big or small – ensuring every client's peace of mind under their newly serviced roofs.
Phone: (703) 407-2714